
The Labyrinth of Life

This is the post excerpt.

Hhy Mo’zen®

Life is like a Labyrinth weaving in and out until you finally find peace in the center. It’s full of mysteries, pain, happiness, illusion, love, perhaps hate or at least indifference. Each one of us has layers to peel off, growth that has to come through experience, life experience. It can’t be handed to us: we live it, learn it, practice it, until we understand and overcome, and accept who we are. Once you truly find your path, believing your God, and have faith that this journey is just that: a journey of energy, frequency, vibration, learning and growing. That it’s more than just the physical body, but it’s Spiritual, supernatural, full of wonderful mysteries and terrible pain. But in the end through all your FGO’s, there is your strength, your power, your courage, that you have earned and it is yours, never to be taken away again. Life is a labyrinth of weaving in and out and finally coming to the center to meet your God and you find your place, and there is peace. Hhy Mo’zen®.

Walk in Peace and Love…..




Luke 17:21

The Hamster Wheel

Living a life of solitude, prayer and meditation isn’t easy. Once you go through your life savings you have to reenter the hamster wheel . The way our world is set up survival isn’t easy unless you conform. I trust, have faith, I know the supernatural life is there, I have witnessed so much that doubt isn’t an option. But how do I fully tap into the light? Yes, miracles happen daily, Yes, I manifest daily, yes, I see the magic daily. I like being alone. People ask others about me that don’t even know me. Ask me. I am a very open book if you ask.  We have too many that work in darkness not from a healing light. Most people have not done their self-healing work. They read you from a point of their pain not from a clear vessel. It is their truth. They cannot understand the forgiving, the self-forgiving, the clearing , the daily discipline , the years it took to achieve inner peace and acceptance, the setting of boundaries, the watching people from a point of interest not judgement. They have the verbiage, they just don’t live the life, their words don’t match what they feel on the inside, yet they sit in the judgement seat of others calling it intuition , their gift. The funny thing is other hurting people can resonate with them because of they are in pain too. They choose not to heal, they just give the appearance of. We live in a world of instant, not disciplined, we have the teachings of those that truly achieved inner peace, The Buddha, The Christ and a few other Masters. They each told us the Kingdom of God is within, that is where we find our inner peace, the Spirit is there waiting to teach us more but We twist their words and teachings to fit what we want them to say with our rules and regulations, we conform, we control… How can you possibly understand a spiritual teaching from a physical perspective? Its like we are babies always drinking from the bottle, its time to mature to go further into the spiritual understandings.  When you dedicated your life to these teachings, you are viewed by others as crazy, cultish, arrogant. I don’t care about their judgement; I want to live in solitude, teach from a far… People make everything so hard; the games they play and project onto others, the deadlines, expectations, perhaps I am no different, jumping on and off the hamster wheel…if money wasn’t needed to survive would you be doing what you are doing now? Would you still conform? Just a thought…

Could You Imagine if “I” Learned Something from “You”?

Could you imagine if “I” learned something from “You”?

You young girl always smoking pot.

You young girl drinking in your youth.

You young girl skipping High School to hang out at the lake.

You young girl having sex, thinking it was love.

You young girl that had the abortion.

You young girl always taking risk and having an adventure.

Could you Imagine if “I” learned something from “You”?

Me the young girl that only smoked pot occasionally.

Me the young girl that only drank in private so people didn’t know.

Me the young girl that skipped school but never got caught.

Me the young girl having sex but I was in love.

Me the young girl that had an abortion but I married the man .

Me that never took risk and never was adventurous.

Could you Imagine if “I” learned something from “You”?

You that married at 20 and went to a trade school for your education.

You that worked at  high-end retail stores for your lively hood.

You that divorced and remarried only to divorce again.

You that would work the land with your own hands to grow your food.

You that would work at homeless shelters giving out food to the poor.

You that would be considered lower income or at best middle income.

Could you Imagine if “I” learned something from “you”?

Me that married at 19 and went one year to a University.

Me that never worked nor ever had a career.

Me that has remained married.

Me that would not dirty my hands to grow food, I will buy it from people like you.

Me that would not work to help the homeless they should get up and go to work.

Me that is considered high income, privileged. Above most.

Could you Imagine If “I” learned something from “You”?

You that lived a full life, you that had a business , sold it, went back to school, took risk, lost it all and kept serving others. You that are not pretty privileged, you that have messy hair and skinned knees , you with lines of life on your face. You that had to work to support your family, you that had made friends with people like them. You did not do it right. You, You, You…

Could you Imagine if “I” learned something from “You”?

Could you imagine me getting up off the couch and giving a helping hand? Could you imagine me instead of judging reaching out to those in need? Could you imagine me being of service to others instead of announcing that I am privileged or am I privileged…? Perhaps I just have no desire to work, I am fully financially supported. I never took risk; I can always blame others. God knows how I am, I don’t have to change.  ME, ME, ME…

The Season Of Change… Is Here!

Peeling off the layers and becoming who you truly are is hard work, it never comes easy. I know a lot of people that put on different faces according to who they are around. Of course, there is a business side when you are in a professional environment and the playful side when you are at home or out in nature but that is not what I am referring too. I am talking about becoming your true authentic self. The you that has been pushed down due to life’s trauma, people’s negative opinion of you, hurts and pain that you feel if you can hide and never face no one will ever know. The problem with that is you know! When you look in the mirror or on the lonely days you feel the despair and sometimes anger that hides inside. The part of you that you beat up, talk harshly to and have never forgiven for past events. Therefore, eternally as we destroy ourselves, we outwardly project the pain onto other people or we push it down so far, we just hope no one will ever see it. The thing is it all comes out one day in many different forms. Do your work it is hard but it is worth it! All the self-help books in the world can only be used as a guide or a tool if you are not open to peeling off the layers and release the negative you will resort back to the old way of life quickly. I use to read books that would tell me how I should feel, but I didn’t feel that way and I would say over and over I feel like this and eventually the way I really felt would come back. Then the feeling of inadequacy because I couldn’t or didn’t change. I often wonder if some of these self-help authors have really done the work and live a peaceful life during the storms or did, they just write their theory on how you should feel? It’s a fair question. I have attended so many awesomely wonder positive motivational speakers, Zig Ziglar, Leo Buscaglia, Wayne Dryer and so many more that I loved. My Dad use to take us or send us to them in the 70’s and 80’s. I learned so many good tools and I would apply them for a short period of time and then no longer use them. At church they use to say leave your problems at the cross and I would! Even one time they had a wooden cross in church and we all walked up to it and did the motion of leaving something at the foot or even write it on a sticky note and stick it on the cross. The motion was great and it even felt good but as soon as I got back into the car or at the first sign of life’s trouble, I would be back to freak out zone. I took it back in the form of worry, anger, control whatever might be needed for the situation. I didn’t know how to peel off the layers or apply the tools needed to go from my overthinking head to my peaceful heart where God/ Higher Power dwells. This has been my life work and I learned the hard way to becoming the true authentic self is to commit and apply tools every day until they become natural. NO one can save you but they can guide you, you still have to do the work of applying the learned tools from the training, the motivational talk, the read book. It is yours to work through your journey is different from mine and mine from theirs. Be careful to whom you confide in not everyone appreciates yourself work and the very reason we are afraid to show the true us, these same people can and will use your life against you. Therefore, share and hash out thoughts and feeling with trusted friends that know your heart and only want the best for you. But I will assure you if they have not or are not working on their self, they are not sound mentors or counselors for your growth. In the end it all is up to you and the tools; prayer, meditation, positive affirmation, essential oils, healing stones, changing your vibration and frequency, journaling, walks in nature, etc… you choose the tools for you to use daily to overcome and peel off a layer. Then rest. There is another layer until you are raw and open but your heart is healed and the fear of other people’s opinions of you no longer are relevant in your life. The hurt that has been buried so far down no longer controls you or hurts you. The memory is still there although the hurt or pain is gone. Applying your healing tools daily prepares you to face current storms head on, with courage and confidence You are now living from your heart, no longer living in your overthinking head. In this labyrinth of life, we can walk in peace and love! Are you brave enough to do your work?

Julie A. Starr, B.MSC., is an Ordained Minister in both the Christian faith and Metaphysical Sciences. She is Healing Practitioner with Thirty years of experience, specializing in Whole Life Counseling, Meditation, Mindfulness and Well Being. Julie is the founder of Hhy Mo’zen® Certification Trainings, Workshops and Private Healing Sessions for living a balanced life; incorporating many healing modalities to equip you with the knowledge and skills to live a peaceful, stress free life. Rev. Starr is the host of a radio show “A Labyrinth of Healing.” She is a keynote speaker for conferences and events, the author of many magazine articles and publications and the author of her first book Hhy Mo’zen, an intimate journey of finding peace and healing. If you would like Julie to speak at your event or hold a workshop in your area, she may be reached atalabyrinthofhealing.com.

Healing for the Body, Mind and Soul

Many people mistake that when you share your journey of healing that you are writing or sharing from a victim mindset but NO, we share from an over-comer’s heart!! With prayer and encouragement that others will be ready to enter their journey of healing! When you are healed it doesn’t mean you no longer have problems or storms it means past trauma, pain and hurts no longer have triggers that brings them up and effects your heart, you no longer dwell in its misery. No, healing does not make you void of storms. No, healing does not mean you don’t remember the past. No, healing doesn’t mean you don’t get your feelings hurt today. No, healing doesn’t mean you’re not human void of emotion. What healing does mean… is that you have done the work to release the old hurts, pain, traumas that are triggered by some event, person, or words. When you do your healing work these triggers have been released, they are no longer in your energy field or heart. You have peeled off those layers, cleaned the vessel, removed the pain and hurts. You became an over-comer, healed, new spirit, free, no longer carrying old baggage… I encourage you to share your healing journey with others someone needs to hear it! Hhy Mo’zen (life balance) learn healing tools to use DAILY! Clean the vessel, the triggers won’t exist anymore, feel happiness, peace, excitement!

 Remember human emotions are natural and given to us for a purpose, they let us express our feelings and thoughts! Do not allow someone to shame you for expressing them! Yes, making mistakes are part of being human! Do not allow someone to make you feel less because a choice you made didn’t work the way you had hoped it would or thought it would. These are the times we grow, our FGO’s. Set your boundaries! Keep moving forward in healing your body, mind and spirit, this is a daily life work, use your healing tools, Be kind to you!!

DO NOT allow others to make you feel less than the wonderful human being that you are! Use your Healing tools DAILY peel off the layers that no longer serve you. Forgive yourself for struggles and setbacks, we are wonderfully made, successes, setbacks, anger, happy, tearful, joyful humans! Hhy Mo’zen- life balance

Hhy Mo’zen- life balance Walk in Peace and Love Julie A. Starr alabyrinthofhealing.com


I have literally been pushed out of the nest… so I can fly again. When I was asked by my Mother to come live at my parent’s home and help assist with the passing of my sister and my Father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, I quit my job that day and with in a week all my things were in storage and I was there. I hadn’t lived at home since I was 18 years old , but I had already sold my business(Aesthetic school and private practice) a few years earlier and quit teaching at the community college in Abingdon, Va. So quitting my job was easy, it wasn’t my career, Although I like it. I went to work in the resort industry , this is quite an interesting field, I went back to college, and after a lot of fighting with the universe(God) I opened a business back up. Different name,A Labyrinth of Healing , no longer a state licensure class being taught, at this moment it is not even a brick and mortar business. I published my long awaited Life Journey Cards for Spiritual and Self guidance, I picked back up writing my book that I started over twenty years ago only to publish a book Hhy Mo’zen (life balance) that just came out on paper(computer) in twelve hours. It is a every intimate story of my struggle with my calling and overcoming to reach the other side. I have been told it is too much information, I have had a few awe’s and a few people say I didn’t know you went through that(it wasn’t their journey to know, they had their own to walk through) and I have had some very wonderful reviews from those that understand healing is a life journey and if you don’t release your past traumas you will just be piling new ones on top getting deeper and deeper until; stroke, heart attack, anxiety, depression etc. set in so far that you don’t know how to peel off the layers and heal. So as a Healing Practitioner and a Minister I felt that sharing my struggle with my calling was so important. Most people see others and think wow they have it all together or they must not know pain ,or they haven’t been through trauma. If they haven’t done the work they just hide it in public well! Healing isn’t easy and healing isn’t pretty but the end results are so very worth it. There are healing tools that are available that you learn to incorporate in your every day life, that is what I teach or train you on, but it is a every day work. The storms of life are not going to stop but you can learn to face them head on and come out victorious! Well I published a book, had a website built, I was teaching, reading Life Journey Cards, an Officiate Marrying couples, A Tennessee Notary, I have a radio show out of Sevierville Tn. every Saturday morning and I was traveling a lot, slowly building the business of helping and teaching others to use healing tools and then the pandemic hit. After a month of quarantine, my sister and her family felt it was no longer necessary to stay in quarantine so they came over, I am high risk, I did not feel comfortable with this , as I did not know they were coming, and no one chose to let me know. When I voiced my discomfort that I was not ready to socialize I was told I could hit the door if I did not like it. All in the same timing, I had someone reach out to me about holding a class in May at a place I had been before to teach and do readings, I called the house I had stayed in before, an Air BnB and they could rent the house for a month. So I started to pack my things and one month later I left, Unfortunately the pandemic was even worse and my classes would be postponed for another month. What I didn’t realize was how God was moving, I had prayed for a new way to reach my God and I mean immediately after being in the center of the labyrinth praying, a woman walked up and introduced herself as the “Labyrinth Lady” and said I was an artist, I assured her I was not after a long conversation she convinced me I could draw and paint . I met her the next day and she brought me more watercolors, colored pencils, paper, books etc. and now I paint and draw, I love it! I am six weeks into it and it is so much fun. A week after I started painting a friend called and told me about a class she had taken and thought I would like. The Artist Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. Well… Okay…Serendipity, a God thing…I ordered the the book and In the introduction the quote “Leap and the Net will Appear” was there, this is a favorite of mine so I took that as another sign to do the 12 week program. Oh my gosh I love it! I used to journal, I had so many journals from the age of sixteen until about 50 years old and for different reasons I stopped, well in this class you journal every morning three pages and my creative freedom is flowing once again. I have experienced so many wonderful things and reminders of God and the Supernatural. I have furthered my Spiritual growth and finished the first draft of my long awaited book ~MY REFLECTION of A Supernatural, Angels Everywhere, Miracles A Bound Kind Of Life~ I have met people at the right time, I have been remind of what my direction is and that it is time to be moving towards it. I have shown so much gratitude for healing that even though the new storms are coming they no longer throw me back into the past. The sting is there sure, and sometimes hurt feelings, for I am human. But I do not dwell there in more. I have moved into this new season of life, yes I had to be pushed out of the nest again. I had wanted to be the care taker of my mother , I had promised my sister that passed that I would play this roll. But that is not the way it worked out. So damn the pandemic but also thank you for the push of moving me along this labyrinth of life. My calling is to teach, guide, and share my life journey and the healing tools I have mastered through the years and share with others that want to do the work, as it can not be done for you, That’s the hard part! Most people keep searching for the easy way or for someone to hand them the quick answer but sooner or later if you truly want to overcome you come and learn the tools and this daily walk. You will heal and be ready for the next season of life with new knowledge of overcoming the next storm., you learn to face it head on! Life is a tricky little thing. When you are ready to commit to learning and applying the gifts given to you… you will. You will want to let go of the things that no longer serve you. You will want to enter into this new season without all the trauma and baggage of the past. It is possible to Walk the Labyrinth of Life in Peace and Love. alabyrinthofhealing.com

Julie A .Starr

Great Faith

There are different types of prayer, one kind of prayer is where we have fellowship with our God, our higher power and we are in the presence of the Spirit with gratitude,thanksgiving and praise . Then there is prayer when you need something , you need an answer, or something to manifest. Be specific in your prayer and stand on the belief that it will be answered. The things you are asking for in prayer are they honest , are they pure, are they true, are they forthright, does it build you up to your highest good? When I was young I believed all prayer was answered and they were . I never questioned it, I believed I could have what I asked for. If you read my book Hhy Mo’zen you learned I lost that faith in my prayer life, religion got mixed in. Their lack of knowledge, lack of training miss lead many and they still do. But fortunately I had had many answered prayers and miracles to keep me from doubting for too long. I drove a yellow VW bug with all my young children riding in it, it was crowed. One day out driving around a totally restored Volks Wagon bus turned in front of us and without thinking I pointed to it and said that will be mine, about a year later it was delivered to me in my driveway free of charge as a gift from God. Yep it’s true… The same bus I had pointed at was mine. My daughter was going to serve in Kuwait, I had her address and the information of who to contact in case of an emergency, I just said NO she is not going. I fasted and prayed for thirty days that she wouldn’t go, she called and said she had not taken a training so she would be leaving at a different date after this training. Again I said No, I kept fasting and praying a week later she called with news of she and a couple of other people were staying in the States. I didn’t loose faith, I didn’t give up. It came to pass. When my girls were young we had a certain prayer that we prayed everyday for a white Mercedes, a debt free rock house, the healing house, the Jumpy Sunday Cafe and 3 million dollars. I have many prayers answered and miracles take place and with this prayer from my years of single parenting and raising the girls, I have owned and driven the white Mercedes, I bought it with 14,000 miles on it drove it for ten years, I have owned the debt free rock house, I have lived in the healing house and the others will come as they become my focus. As I have Great Faith! You see, if you want your faith to grow, you have to start where you are. No one climbs a ladder starting on the top rung. You’ve got to start on the bottom rung and climb up if you are going to reach the top. That’s the thing that defeats a lot of well-meaning people- they try to believe beyond their faith. To build your faith, you feed your faith,exercise your faith, because if you don’t , you wont be able to do much spiritually when it comes to moving mountains in you life. Many are thinking on the wrong things, stay away from negative thoughts, negative TV, negative people, you will have to guard your mind in order to develop faith. So keep a positive attitude, feed your faith with good thoughts, joy, meditation, laughter. Feed your faith and exercise it right where you are in your journey and your faith will grow and you will move mountains. Great Faith comes out of Great Trials, build your faith and start believing that you can have what you say. Get out of your head and bring it to your heart, ask for what you want and then stand and stand firm. Do NOT waver, Do NOT doubt, Do NOT change your prayer because it didn’t come in your time, the waiting is the hardest part, but remember to believe and trust. Miracles Happen everyday! WALK IN PEACE AND LOVE. alabyrinthofhealing.com

Create Balance in your Life

Living Life: A True Christ Follower

I just learned of a very dear friend that passed in January. We’ve know each other for a least twenty years. We had seasons that we were always doing things together, every Sunday after church she would take me on roads in Abingdon that I had never been on. She would call it “Driving Miss Julie”, co hosted Adult/teen Easter egg hunts, made soup and delivered when people were sick, she showed up and saved a prom dress that a seamstress had butchered ( she was a great seamstress as well) and then seasons mainly because I moved, that we only chatted on the phone and sabbaticals of going months without talking because life got too busy. We had started chatting again weekly two years ago she sent me some of her famous recipes as she was a fabulous baker/cook too. I sent her a Christmas card this year, In January I called and left a message, in February I wondered if she was okay, In March I was focused on the quarantine and yesterday I looked at her Facebook page and saw that my friend had passed. The last words I said to her and had written to her were I love you…I am thankful for that. I had a day of thought,prayer and reminiscing about our friendship. I started thinking of her life and the type of person Cindy was. I have thought funerals were interesting because people say things about people that they really didn’t feel about them when they were living , they feel like they need to say something nice. But Cindy was truly a great example of a Christ follower. She was the person always in the kitchen at church when breakfast was served or lunches were to be had and she was fixing things from scratch and happy to serve her friends and acquaintances alike. Cindy was a breast cancer survivor and wore a bra with birdseed filled cups (she thought it look more natural) and perhaps it did. She was not upset about it, it was part of her journey and she embraced that she had gone through this and lived. Cindy didn’t drink or smoke, I don’t think I ever heard her cuss but you invite her to a party or if she had been invited by someone else and she had invited you she showed up and loved everyone the same. It didn’t matter what you were doing , She laughed enjoyed herself and loved you for you! I remember all the times she invited me to the Moose Club for dinner and I never went. She would tell me how much fun everyone was having and even though there was a lot of partying going on it didn’t phase her ! She showed up, loved everyone NO matter what season of life you were in. She sat with you through the storms, laughed with you at the crazy times, listened in the despair never faltering on your friendship and always willing to serve, she never had judgement and age didn’t matter if you knew Cindy she loved you for who you were where you were. Cindy was open to trying new things, learning new ways, listening to what was said and engaging in a deep healthy conversation. No pretense , not always agreeing but never condemning just because she didn’t agree. Together we had gone to Baptist churches, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, non- denominational, churches outside, inside and Cindy always loved everyone and always willing and ready to serve. Cindy didn’t have any money, she had been a single parent, lived in a very small rented house and then lived with her son, but was all ways willing, kind and loving. Later in life she learned to set boundaries from the people that didn’t no how to be thankful for a Cindy and they chose to take advantage of her. Setting boundaries was not selfish that was just wise. Her friends would tell her that some people do not understand about kind, loving humans because they are hurting so bad so they lash out on others, it would hurt her Spirit but it didn’t change her love for them. She learned to distance herself from them. Cindy was truly a Christ follower, Open to all life, all knowledge, willing to love regardless of the life… She participated in life, experienced life, the very best example of living life. Laughter and Joy followed her. I am honored to call Cindy my friend. I will miss you and I love you! Until we meet again…All is Well with My Soul.


Sharing your life story is so important. It does not make you weak it shows your strength. When you are in the middle of your chaos, your FGO it seems every one wants to let people know to pray for them, They cant believe life has dealt them such a hand to have to endure, without realizing it they share the chaos with hope that someone can fix it, carry the weight for them , make it right. It doesn’t work that way. Yes, prayer is good , yes, support is good, yes, counsel is good from someone that has been professionally  trained or even someone that has been through it and has come out on the other side with confidence and peace(not with despair and bitterness) but most seek counsel from people that try to fix it, that sympathize but not offers sound encouragement and how to overcome. I just wrote a book Hhy Mo’zen Life Balance, on my life lessons in one area of my life on the seasons of life lessons and change. I have had wonderful positive responses and many books sold but I have also had “Oh my gosh” responses.  It is not being a victim of life when you have overcome the BS thrown at you or that you created. It is being a victim when you are in the mist wanting someone else to fix it and you refuse to listen and learn on how to overcome. I have been writing a different book for many years that I never finished. One day while praying as I started writing Hhy Mo’zen just came out on paper, was published and now carried at indiebound.org , Barnes and Noble, and of course Amazon. Life Journey Cards were created, a Radio Show on Saturday mornings, a labyrinth calendar, a lot of traveling teaching the art and skills of stress management, meditation, walking the labyrinth, prayer and other healing modalities. Before as I was teaching it was in my knowledge base, my head. I had not gotten it to my heart, I had not fully learned to walk in peace. I was still taking life lessons, and making them into a terrible awful event. Seek your counsel from people that have overcome, that have walked through the fire, listen to their story with hope and encouragement. Our life calling is so important! Someone is waiting on you to overcome. When you get through the fire, tell your story so you can give them hope and encouragement.  Some people just float through life never thinking about what they are called to do to make a difference. It is hard to lead people in any form if they do not understand your FGO’s and that you came through them more powerful, stronger than ever and confident. When you are in the mist of overcoming it is not wise to advise other people on that topic. But when you have come out on the other side and it is more than just head knowledge or words you are sharing… Step out be BOLD! Although if you come out on the other side angry, bitter, ungrateful etc… please do not counsel other people as you will be repeating this lesson, going around the same mountain, returning to the fire. Wait until you find peace in your experience (your FGO) and unfortunately, they are never easy! Some one is waiting on you…perhaps its you wanting to come out and BE WHO YOU TRULY ARE? Walk in Peace and Love… alabyrinthofhealing.com

Do the Work

Peeling off the layers and becoming who you truly are is hard work, it never comes easy. I know a lot of people that put on different faces according to who they are around. Of course, there is a business side when you are in a professional environment and the playful side when you are at home or out in nature but that is not what I am referring too. I am talking about becoming your true authentic self. The you that has been pushed down due to life’s trauma, people’s negative opinion of you, hurts and pain that you feel if you can hide and never face no one will ever know. The problem with that is you know! When you look in the mirror or on the lonely days you feel the despair and sometimes anger that hides inside. The part of you that you beat up, talk harshly to and have never forgiven for past events. Therefore, eternally as we destroy ourselves, we outwardly project the pain onto other people or we push it down so far we just hope no one will ever see it. The thing is it all comes out one day in many different forms. Do your work it is hard but it is worth it! All the self-help books in the world can only be used as a guide or a tool if you are not open to peeling off the layers and release the negative you will resort back to the old way of life quickly. I use to read books that would tell me how I should feel, but I didn’t feel that way and I would say over and over I feel like this because that was the way I was supposed to feel but eventually the way I really felt would come back. Then the feeling of inadequacy came because I couldn’t or didn’t change. I often wonder if some of these self-help authors have really done the work and live a peaceful life during the storms or did, they write on how we should feel? It’s a fair question. I have attended so many awesomely wonder positive motivational speakers, Zig Ziglar, Leo Buscaglia, Wayne Dryer and so many more that I loved. My Dad use to take us or send us to them in the 70’s and 80’s. I learned so many good tools and I would apply them for a short period of time and then no longer use them. At church they use to say leave your problems at the cross and I would! Even one time they had a wooden cross in church and we all walked up to it and did the motion of leaving something at the foot or even wrote it on a sticky note and stuck it on the cross. The motion was great and it even felt good but as soon as I got back into the car or at the first sign of life’s trouble I would be back to freak out zone. I took it back in the form of worry, anger, control what ever might be needed for the situation. I didn’t know how to peel off the layers or apply the tools needed to go from my overthinking head to my peaceful heart where God dwells. This has been my life work and I learned the hard way to becoming the true authentic self is to commit and apply tools everyday until they become natural. NO one can save you but they can guide you, you still have to do the work of applying the learned tools from the church service, the motivational talk, the read book. It is yours to work through your journey is different from mine and mine from theirs. Be careful who you confide in not everyone appreciates your self work and the very reason we are afraid to show the true us, these people can and will use your life against you. Therefore, share and hash out thoughts and feeling with trusted friends that know your heart and only want the best for you. But I will assure you if they have not or are not working on their self, they are not sound mentors or counselors for your growth. In the end it all is up to you and the tools; prayer, meditation, stones, herbs, quite time, walks in nature, etc… you choose to use daily to overcome that layer. Then rest. There is another layer to peel off until you are raw and open but your heart is healed and the fear of other people’s opinions of you no longer are relevant in your life. The hurt that has been buried so far down no longer controls you or hurts you. The memory is still there although the hurt or pain is gone. You are now living from your heart, no longer living in your overthinking head. In this labyrinth of life, we can walk in peace and love! Are you brave enough to do your work? WALK IN PEACE AND LOVE… Rev. J.A.Starr alabyrinthofhealing.com

WALK IN PEACE AND LOVE… Rev. J.A.Starr alabyrinthofhealing.com


I find it interesting that so many people expect out of you what they are not willing to do themselves. Yet when you say no they act like you are a horrible person, they are highly insulted and amazed that you will not carry out their wishes and sometimes their demands.

Looking from a point of interest… I have noticed that many are not good time managers ,therefore they direct others to do their work for them and then proceed to say that it is not done right and they should have just done it themselves. Yet this is an continual habit and they are never satisfied and act outraged that the task they requested from you is just done wrong and not efficient enough.

Distance yourself! The guilt they try to put on you while they sit on there make believe throne is not worth it. These people have not done their self work, although they have great facades that they think they are pretty Holy and queenly and should be waited on and even served. If you do not do their bidding or even set your boundaries and say no, you will be the topic of their gossip and your lack of respect to them, they will claim you are selfish. They need help always and sometimes seem helpless just as a ploy to get you to the unhealthy level they are on the inside. Distance yourself!

They sit around with this air of importance and speak of their faith and all they know ,while apparently judging others they feel are lesser in knowledge and importance, they interrupt and do not listen. Distance yourself.

Do you remember the Titanic and when it was said “ Even God could not sink it” and tragically it sunk! They too will be humbled in time. Judgement is not theirs. Blaming or commanding others to do their bidding will not last. But self growth is hard and time consuming and people like this will do a lot of talking about themselves while looking down on you. Distance yourself.

Do your work, set your boundaries, when they try to cross them and you have let them across, again, reset them for they have not changed, therefore do not set yourself up for their attacks and ploys again.

Stay on your path…

Put your head up, shoulders back and move forward…

Walk in Peace and Love

They Are Not Your Tribe

Life is hard. As you grow older and reflect on your growth, your hardships, your battles, your successes, your accomplishments, when you are on path, when you are off your path, your journey. It’s nice to know that your tribe ( your people) know your heart , they don’t use your lows( your growth opportunities) against you. Your tribe recognizes your efforts, the struggles you endured and celebrates when your hard work and diligence pays off. You find in life who is honest and forthright, who deserves to be in your life.

When you learn of the people who have been around yet they speak badly of you to others , put on facade in front of you and when other people around, they down play your life and don’t think you deserve a successful, peaceful life…. they are not your tribe.

These people are not happy within themselves. They have chosen to remain in a stagnant place and it is easier for them to make up untrue information and down play your successes. This is their reality not yours. Don’t try to get them to hear you out or explain your life to them for even though they might have been present they will never allow themselves to see the work and struggles you went through, the growth to get to your accomplishments. These people are not your tribe.

When you are on path God blesses you beyond measure. When the enemy(these people)try to-take from you not only your stuff, but your hopes and dreams. Stay focused God will bless you in front of them. Learn that you do not discuss your life with them…. They do not wish you well….they are not your tribe… Listen to your inner voice…. These people speak to your face like you are not smart enough to know what curses they put out into the atmosphere about you… you can not change them…. they are not your tribe… God always reveals truth, Pray for truth…you’ll find it…. it’s always exposed.

Be so in love with your life , your journey, your growth, your path, your God that their curses and lack of gratitude don’t touch you. They will keep trying …. it’s just who they are… always the victim…. thinking you don’t deserve what you have earned, these people are takers…. they want without the effort and they do not want you to have….they are not your tribe.

Set your boundaries… love from afar…pray but no longer play….these are the people who say they hate drama, they create chaos usually within their own families, then sit back in amazement and gossip at the response. Yet they are still innocent and still the victim. Pray but don’t play…you cannot help them, they have built such a story within themselves they can not hear you.

Therefore move forward in your journey… enjoy your life… learn in the hard times, celebrate in the successes… God will Bless you… your tribe are the people that bring encouragement in your lows and are excited in your highs. They are your TRIBE!

Walk in Peace and Love…

So….Three Days In…

Social media I understand is the best way to advertise outside of word of mouth. We are only three days in on the new year and I am already reading post on how terrible life is, how much it sucks , how tired you are etc… Do something different, take that first step, be open to something new because the old way is no longer working. It’s always scary to step out of the comfort zone and make change but it is necessary! If you keep putting the same thing out in the atmosphere and writing the same depressing post and hanging out with the same people that tear you down….then you will get the same results! You and you alone will recreate last years yucky situations…

May I suggest set boundaries…no longer allow people to treat you bad, find the new source of income if you hate your job…. we are programmed that we have to earn money a certain way…if it is making you miserable perhaps it’s not the place for you to spend your time… I am sure if you truly look around or perhaps get creative…you will find a way to earn your money and live a life that brings you joy… what is your passion, what has God put on your heart…pray about it, be open to it coming in a way that is different and unexpected, be open to receiving . It is truly time to peel off the layers and become who you really are. Your calling is yours and only yours… of course there is always someone that will discourage you, put fear in you and talk negative about you… So what!

Be who you are anyway! These people are always unsure of them selves, unhappy and someone else’s hardship brings them a since of relief.

Put into prayer what you want , the life you are dreaming about… step up and step out, get ready for the labyrinth of the journey….high, lows, laughter, a few tears… it’s time…it’s time… it’s time!!! Life is fleeting so get moving… be kind, be honest, be forthright … don’t listen to the negative people and if others choose to listen to them and don’t check facts…let them talk!

Head up , shoulders back, breathe, you got this! Live the life you dream of…

Walk in Peace and Love….


Gratitude and Celebration

As we are in the Christmas season and nearing the end of the year I can not help but to think back over all the days in 2019. Days of working in corporate America which when you are a free spirit that way of work just doesn’t fit. Starting my new business A Labyrinth Of Healing has been costly, fun, scary but it definitely feels like home. I get to use my gifts and share knowledge, it’s not work it’s pleasure! Praying, meditating, reading cards, energy work, aromatherapy, frequency,vibration, light, sound it’s things I do everyday and once again I am sharing with others how beautiful and mystical this universe is. It’s really quite a pleasure. I think the hard part is that once again I am in an area(location) of pioneering and I am no longer that young girl with high hopes of changing the world. I always know that through out the day there is one person I am meant to meet, to share knowledge with, lift up, perhaps pray with. I have a little plug on the radio to educate with hopes of people wanting to learn and be open to a changed life or be open to maybe just hearing that hopes and dreams do come to pass, that life doesn’t have to be so serious and stressful all the time. There are many tools in the tool box to use for good health, a peaceful heart, a clear head, a Happy day, even a happy life.

Storms are coming they always do. Welcome to life, it’s just part of it. Be open to learning techniques that you can apply to daily life to walk through the storms. When you find something that resonates use it everyday, do it everyday it will move from head knowledge to heart knowledge,that’s when you do it naturally without thought.

For me Prayer and meditation everyday before I get out of bed. I carry and wear different stones daily. Weird to you perhaps… but do your research,there is an energy(magnetic)force around a stone that lines up with the magnetic force in the center of the earth and it creates a healing field. There’s more but that is the just and it’s awesome , it’ll change your frequency, your vibration, put your intention in it and it is a wonderful tool for your healing, peaceful walk. Use your essential oils daily not just for healing as a medicine but smelling them opens the limbic lobe of the brain and creates an emotional release. There are so many tools to choose from pick one , learn about it ,give it a try, then try another do your due diligence learn all you can discard what doesn’t fit ,keep what does. Be open to change. But most of all look at life with gratitude. I understand there is a lot of heart break that is not in our control, I’ve experienced it too, and I understand there is some hard consequences that come from choices we have made. Sometimes out of fear we stay or feel like it’s the only choice you have. There is a price to pay for that. But there is a lot of good in life. Approach it with a child like faith, look for the awe in everything, quit moving through life so fast. Look for the happy little things, a child’s laughter, a beautiful flower, flowing water in the creek, the awesome colors of fish or grass, flowers, dogs playing or perhaps when they cuddle next to you, sweet kitties sleeping on the couch. Do small act of kindness for others, open the door for someone, help someone with their, groceries, listen, be present. Slow Down! Be in awe everyday, give thanks and have gratitude, Celebrate…. this is life, don’t wait until it’s to late. Realize its up to you to enjoy it, even in the storm. Everything passes, nothing stays the same. So as I look back on this year I give thanks that I was brave enough to start new adventures, open enough to learn new things, hopeful enough that everything turns out for the best…

Life keeps moving… We are entering into the new year! Do it with Gratitude and Celebration… enter in with awe and wonder… a child like faith.


Judgement Is Not Yours

When I was a young adult my very first Esthetic job was at Saks Fifth Ave. for Adrian Arpel in Dallas, Texas. I loved working there and it was my first time to be on a salary not hourly plus commission. My Esthetic treatment room was on the main floor with other cosmetics and perfumes. One day a woman walked in the main doors looking pretty rough, perhaps she had had a night of partying and forgot to brush her , change her clothes maybe she hadn’t even gone to bed. I watched her walk from counter to counter trying to get someone to wait on her. These girls at the cosmetic and perfume counters were ignoring her barely answering questions, walking off until she walked over to my counter. I asked her if I could help her, she asked me if I wanted too. My reply was absolutely! She bought over $3000.00 dollars of skincare, make- up and perfume and paid with cash! These girls at the other counters were watching as they couldn’t believe I was waiting on such a person until they realized she was spending money and they worked on commission. The woman I was waiting on over heard one of the counter girls say that she was her customer and the woman turned around and reminded all of the Saks Fifth Ave. girls that no one would help her when she had money to spend but they judged her appearance and would not give her the time of day. Perhaps they learned a lesson that day.

I grew up in a family that daddy put himself through college then medical school after he came home from WW2 and Mom was an R.N. They had both grown up on farms or in the country and knew what it was like when hard times hit. My sisters and I were Blessed when it came to having what we needed and a lot of what we wanted materialistically. They taught us not to judge by appearance and when you give you all ways give anonymously. They sent people to college, bought cars, saw people in restaurants with children and anonymously bought their meals and always supplied Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas for families that just needed to be blessed that year. My children and I could not do all of that but I too taught the need to be of service to others. So we volunteered, brought meals and cookies and other baked goods that we had made to hospitals and others that had to work and couldn’t be home with their family and we would pick one family to help with Christmas and another for Thanksgiving.We lived in a small town and our mail carrier would deliver it from Santa. People would have never suspected me as I was a single parent, drove a VW and well basically dressed and looked like a hippie. Although I was/am drug free and a Christ follower, I am a free Spirit. The churches I attended, Methodist one day of the week, team kid leader at the Baptist, and the Pentecostal. I always wondered why they all said they worshipped the same God, the same Christ, yet judged each other for doing it differently and basically they don’t like other people that are different or that aren’t afraid to stand up, be of servitude to others, or perhaps stand out. When we moved from our farm house to another town in Virginia, We had moved into a wonderful ranch style house that was over 3000 square feet. I was working as an consultant at a new spa and was interviewing for a teaching position at our community college. During the interview I was asked if I lived in the trailer park that was at the bottom of the street? Now remember I was raised in the country club life with manners and I am educated but apparently I give off another vibe, a hippie vibe. I got the job and before classes started I had to deliver some supplies to the school for our new class. When I pulled up in my new Mercedes. I had to pick the Deans jaw up off the ground. Although I still had my VW’s the Mercedes had been an answered prayer for a car I wanted for business. We don’t know how people are being used in their calling. Be so careful in the judgement of them. I have learn through the years to watch people from a point of interest and I have found many people do not do their self work so they find fault in others. Usually out of fear and a lack of knowledge. They are comfortable and change is scary. It means sometime we have to weed people and change thoughts or ideas that were instilled in us. Change isn’t always easy.

I travel with a Labyrinth and teach meditation, prayer, aromatherapy, energy, frequency, stones… Gods creation. I say Worship the Creator acknowledge the creation. Stress and the result of is causing disease. But people are afraid to learn something new. I have a little spot on our local radio station talking about my business with some healthy responses and some not so Godly responses. But this station is asking people to help with a child for Christmas. They announce a different child every hour and hopefully people call in and commit to supplying this child’s needs and wants. After my little plug when we were off the air I told the DJ’s I would be honored to supply for a child for Christmas as I do every year. I never received my child . Therefore the next time I was at the station I said to the DJ’s that I had never received my email with my Christmas child… the DJ with strong Christian values and that is very opposed to my herbal, Oiler, meditating, Prayerful way of life said I could not have one of the children to supply for. Hmmmmm.

The judgement makes me so sad! Is it me you are trying to punish… but can’t you see when you treat people from your fear and lack of knowledge you’re punishing the child. Now I am writing my story not out of victimhood that was my youthful life lessons . This from my heart ,my passion, my life walk, my desire that I have learned from experience, study, knowledge…To walk in Peace and Love … meet people where they are… listen…Perhaps you might learn something …. perhaps you might teach something… what are you so afraid of?

Truth, knowledge, Miracles living a peaceful life. Walk in Peace and Love…


Essential Oils versus Anointing Oils

We have all read about or used essential oils and most of us understand that the oils are the essence of plants, trees, leaves, flowers, root or bark of the plant. The oils are extracted by several different methods; Enfleurage, expressed oils, steam distillation, solvent extraction, fractional distillation and a few others each oil is used for different purposes but essentially they are meant as a medicine or healing agent not just to make a room smell great. They are different from the man made fragrance oil that are used in most room sprays and some diffusers.
Essential oils have been an integral part of daily lives of people for thousands of years. . These oils were held to a high esteem and mentioned in the Holy Bible often as healing oils. A few mentioned were:
• Frankincense
• Myrrh
• Sandalwood (aloes)
• Hyssop
• Cypress
• Cedar
• Rose of Sharon
• Cinnamon
There are many more oils and although they are considered scared oils with healing properties these are the plants, herbs, flowers, and trees that grow in the middle east therefore they were readily available and this is what was used as the medicines and healing agent of the times. Westernized medicine was not invented or even thought of.
There is also another type of oil that we refer to as anointing oils. Usually used in sacred ceremony and religious services. This oil is usually olive oil mainly because the olive tree is readily available in the Middle East although I have known to have sesame oil, jojoba and a few others to be used as anointing oils as well. These anointing oils have been prayed over and used to Bless, Honor and heal.
A Greek word for anoint is Chrio, which means to smear or rub with oil and, by implication “to consecrate for office or religious service. People are usually anointed with oil to signify God’s blessing or a call on one’s life. Although there are many different reasons to anoint with oil; anointing one’s feet to honor them, anointing the body for healing etc. But the main purpose of anointing with Holy anointing oil is to cause the anointed to become “most holy” and bestow a Blessing on one’s life.
In creating anointing oils it is suggested to use virgin (first pressed) olive oil pour into a small container you may include essential oils as well such as Frankincense, Hyssop, Myrrh etc. depending on your intent for the use of the oil. Some say a holy person has to bless and pray over the oils. But you can pray over the oils by putting your intent, your energy, and your blessings on and in them. I believe you can reach God (goddess, universe, Great Spirit, Holy Spirit, etc.) just same as anyone else. Stay in prayer, meditate, study, listen, learn and be open to receiving.
Years ago when I was seeing clients and teaching in Virginia, I bought three gallons (1 gallon each) of olive oil and I kept one and gave the other two to two of my daughters and we prayed over these bottles of oil for months. We each prayed for God to anoint them and for healing and Blessings and peace for whomever they were used upon. Through the years these were the oils I used in all my therapies when I practiced and the oils I used in training my students, there were manifestations of wonderful healing experiences, some physical, some emotional, mental and Spiritual. My clients would ask me what I had, it was my opportunity to share my beliefs with them. I was doing Hhy Mo’zen (life balance) Sessions, for health and stress management using herbs, stones, prayer, massage, Reiki (energy work), Chinese cupping, essential oils and anointing oils and other healing modalities that your body needed. Each session is designed for the client. I was a vessel being used to work out my calling with amazing results.
Essential oils (learn the safety of them) and anointing oils can be used in everyday life. You will not only be learning, teaching and using the creation you will be exalting the Creator.

Walk in Peace and Love…
Rev. Julie A. Starr
Healing Practitioner

Walk in Peace and Love

Today as we give thanks as we have so much to be thankful for. Yet still my heart is sad for so many in the Christian faith. Each human is here serving a purpose, in a calling. Therefore I stand in awe at the attacks, stone throwing and gossiping within my faith. Frankly I am quite embarrassed to say I am a Christian. I always refer to myself as a Christ follower. I honor people and their thought system and how could I possibly expect anyone to hear me if I can’t or won’t hear them. I have always said I am a Christ follower but I honor anyone that walks in Peace and Love. I pray that my actions not only my words, my heart would have people wondering what I have or what I know. That then gives me the opportunity to share what I believe to be true and honest and forthright.

I am a graduate of three different bible colleges ( three different seasons of life), I have studied Buddhism and many other religions and thought systems I am an Apothecary, certified Aromatherapist and Instructor , I have collected crystals since I was sixteen years old, I am a Reiki Master, I have certifications in therapeutic touch, light therapy , I can lay hands on people, licensed Master Esthetician Instructor, massage therapist, founder of Hhy Mo’zen ( life balance) sessions and certification classes. I travel with a portable Labyrinth and teach meditation and I have my own positive guidance cards that each card has a beautiful labyrinth and a positive word such as Christ Consciousness, prayer, peace, blessings, release, and 38 other words meant for guidance and uplifting. My favorite thing I say is “Worship the Creator Acknowledge the Creation”. Yet some people are so religious bound they can’t and won’t move from their small teachings to expand and perhaps learn something new, maybe, just maybe it would be an awesome time of growth.

I have learned in this Christian walk people are afraid and will quickly dismiss and judge, but they are not walking in miracles everyday so there must be so much more to learn. We perish for a lack of knowledge.

Recently I heard someone very concerned about another Christian saying they prefer to use the name Yeshua (Hebrew) instead of Jesus(English). They had felt like this was so terrible perhaps sinful. What they were not open to is that the English spelling of Jesus is just that… the English spelling and there have been many other translation and spellings before the English alphabet existed. The research is worthy and perhaps necessary before making a judgment call.

I have come across so many people that cannot stand and will not listen to anything about the peaceful walk of Jesus, mainly because of the judgement of the church and the religious people that do not walk a peaceful walk. Stop pushing people away with your lack of knowledge. Do your research don’t just take other people’s word. Stay in prayer and meditation, live from your heart. Truth is instilled there. Be open, learn from everyone and what does not resonate discard and what does keep as new knowledge. What a honor to be able to be open enough to hear and learn. Everyone has a purpose and a plan in this thing called life. You want people to listen to you , you want to teach them, listen to them as well. They may come to Love our Christ by you representing a peaceful life. That doesn’t mean you conform and you don’t need to be scared but perhaps if you walk in Peace and Love they may be able to hear you and you might just learn something new too.

Walk in Peace and Love…

J.A. Starr
